Was David Abioye Spiritual Prowess Being Stifiled Under Oyedepo All These Years?
Despite hearing the name David Abioye for several decades, (which wasn't unusual being the second in command to David Oyedepo founder and GO of winners chapel), it was only recently after his forced retirement from the church, that I got to know what he looked like and also what he sounded like, and I must confess that in the few times I have heard him speaking, I have already been impressed with his level of spiritual depth and understanding.

It's profoundly strange that this was someone that was serving under David Oyedepo for so many years, yet I have never felt the same way about David Oyedepo despite hearing him preach countless times, including when I was still a member of CGM, and attended several annual conventions when he was invited as a guest speaker.
Even while I was yet a sinner and wasn't as spiritually discerning as I am now, but could still discern spiritually deep preaching and teachings from those which were shallow, I have never been impressed with Oyedepo's preaching or teaching, how much more after I have not only got saved but also born-again and begun to walk at the highest level of spiritual walk where it was all about God?

Yet I heard David Abioye speaking only a few occasions and was wondering if he was really the same person that was with Oyedepo all these years or if it was someone else.
It was indeed baffling and made me wonder if David Abioye's spiritual prowess and impact wasn't stifled all these years, and if it wouldn't have been much more beneficiary to God's Kingdom had he parted ways with the church much earlier, especially considering the way his loyalty and service to Oyedepo was being rewarded with retirement when he still had so much more to offer in the work of the kingdom.
He also appears to be thinking along these lines considering that he has already launched his own ministry shortly afterwards, so could it a case of waiting too long before doing the needful?
It's better late than never though, at least the world can finally get to hear and partake of the spiritual riches that David Abioye has got to offer without any more hinges.
God bless.
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