A mysterious creature that has terrorised residents of Gwanda has seen members of Zimbabwe National Traditional Healers Association (ZINATHA) and Zion Apostolic Church in Central Africa (ZCC) join forces in a rare and unlikely union.
According to The Chronicle, the mysterious creature that lives in the Mtshabezi River near the Mtshabezi bridge is believed to have taken the lives of a number of men.
Residents of Gwanda Town claim that the mysterious creature only targets men who go to the river to bathe themselves and are found dead floating in the shallow waters.
The recent number of fatalities in the shallow river has united Gogo Meltah Banda – a treasurer of Zinatha in Gwanda and Michael Ndlovu – a Pastor in the ZCC who agreed that a solution has to be found sooner than later.
Gogo Meltah Banda claims that the mysterious creature started taking lives back in the 1970s when school children started mysteriously drowning in the Mtshabezi River.
This problem has been ongoing for a long time now but it has never been investigated. It started in the 1970s with male learners that were mysteriously drowning in the river.
At that time pupils from Mount Cazalet Primary School which is close to Mtshabezi River used to go there to collect water as the school didn’t have water. While there, learners would claim to have seen a fish in the water and then they will drown. We used to get these reports from other learners who would survive the ordeal and then go back to school to inform their teachers.
Now it’s suspected that this creature is now targeting men that will be bathing at the river. Each time someone drowns in the river there are usually a series of funerals which follow which are recorded in the town. It’s like that drowning incident would have sparked or ignited some evil spirit which hovers around the town, she said.
Gogo Banda ruled out possibilities that the creature could be a mermaid since all of the victims who disappeared were later found.
The way this creature operates is beyond my knowledge. What we are used to are incidents where a person disappears in a river because of an ancestral calling but a person doesn’t die. A ritual is conducted by the family of the missing person and the person comes back to them alive.
In this particular case where people die mysteriously, I also don’t know what kind of ancestral spirit operates in this way, she said.
Pastor Ndlovu said members of the community unanimously resolved to invite a well-known prophet from his church – Prophet Moyo, to deal with the mysterious being.
There are men who are mostly gold panners from nearby mines who go to take a bath along Mtshabezi River just close to Mtshabezi Bridge. Other people go to the river to collect water or to wash their vehicles. A number of them have fallen victim to this creature.
We have therefore seen it best to engage someone to look into the matter and see how best it can be resolved. We are working on modalities to invite a prophet from my church who has helped a number of communities to deal with their spiritual problems.
We have to go through the correct procedures and inform the relevant authorities, he said.
Prophet Moyo who is well known for solving supernatural mysteries said he will explore all avenues to solve the issue.
He told The Chronicle that if it was witchcraft he would remove the creature himself and if it was ancestral rituals will be conducted to appease the ancestors.
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