Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Referee, Bianchi da Silva Dies After Suffering Heart Attack On The Pitch In Front Of Shocked Players

A football referee has died after suffering a heart attack on the pitch in front of shocked players. Isildo Fabiano Bianchi da Silva was carried off the pitch on a stretcher before he was rushed to hospital

A futsal referee died after he suffered a fatal heart attack on the pitch. Isildo Fabiano Bianchi da Silva, 44, collapsed during a match between Sao Carlos and Taubate in Sao Carlos, Brazil.


The referee bent over with his hands on his knees before he crashed to the ground. Players from both teams rushed to his side and some even took off their tops and tried to fan him with them.

Medical staff then put him onto a stretcher and carried him off the pitch as the fans applauded him. Reports claim he was rushed to the emergency unit in Vila Prado in an ambulance.

Official sources said:
"All the CPR procedures were carried out but Idildo could not be revived and died."
The futsal match, which was locked at 0-0 at the time of the incident, was abandoned.

A date has not been set for the rematch between Sao Carlos and Taubate. Sao Paulo Futsal League have released a statement to show solidarity with Silva's family and friends at the hard time.

The Liga Paulista de Futsal wrote:
"The LPF deeply regrets the death of referee Isildo Fabiano Bianchi da Silva, 44, who unfortunately died on Friday night."

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