Thursday 2 May 2019

Drug-crazed burglar, 37, 'armed with a screwdriver' was lawfully killed

A homeowner confronted by an armed burglar picked up a knife and shouted 'mine is bigger than yours' before stabbing him to death, an inquest heard today.

Richard Osborn-Brooks, 79, knifed career criminal Henry Vincent, 32, after he caught him breaking into his home in Hither Green, south London, in April last year. 

There was public outcry when the pensioner was arrested on suspicion of murder but after a nationwide appeal, police dropped the charges. 

Mr Osborn-Brooks told the court today: 'My intention was to get [Vincent] out of the house and away from my wife.' 

The coroner has now ruled that Vincent was 'lawfully killed'. 

Senior Coroner Andrew Harris said the pensioner had used 'moderate force' to protect his wife, who was at the top of the stairs. 

The Detective Inspector in the case said Mr Osborn-Brooks was not prosecuted because he was protected by the self-defence law, using 'reasonable force' to defend himself, his home and his wife.  

Vincent was high on cocaine and heroin and brandishing a screwdriver when he ran down the stairs towards Mr Osborn-Brooks in the early hours. 

Mr Osborn-Brooks gave evidence at the inquest today by video link, with the screen turned off.

He said two men knocked on his door, grabbed him and pushed him inside, with one shoving him toward the kitchen and the other running upstairs as they both demanded money. 

He told the hearing Vincent then came down the stairs brandishing a screwdriver and said: 'Get out of my way or I'll stick you with this.' 

Mr Osborn-Brooks replied: 'I think you're wrong because mine's bigger than yours and if you don't leave my house you will be sorry.' 

Vincent's family, who come from the traveller community, repeatedly left floral tributes to the dead burglar outside Mr Osborn-Brooks' home, before threatening to take his funeral procession past the property. 

Mr Osborn-Brooks and his wife Maureen were not allowed to return to their home after the incident for their own safety. 


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