Friday 19 April 2019

Lovers Hired By Witch Doctor To Deceive The Public With S*x Act Are Nabbed

Two lovers have been charged in Meru court for screaming while eating forbidden fruit on 15th April.
Chacha Mwita and Cynthia Mauhokha were also accused of preparing to commit felony.

Police stated that that the two were hired by Ugandan witchdoctor Magoola Twaha so that they can act as if they were stuck during the intercourse.
This according to prosecution was meant to market the witchdoctor.

It is reported that on the material day, police from Meru police were alerted by members of public after hearing the screams form lodging within the town.

When they arrived they found the two in the act while the witchdoctor was watching and advising them on how to get stuck and fool the public.
They all denied the charges and were set free on Sh20,000 cash bail or surety bond of Sh50,000 each. The matter was set to be heard on 15th May 2019.

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