Monday 22 April 2019

Game of Thrones Prepares for Death

If this entire final season of Game of Thrones is just a whole bunch of random "long time coming" moments, we honestly wouldn't be mad. 

Where the premiere was all tense reunions, the second episode was filled with important conversations and casual hangouts and little things that made us, in our weaker moments, flail just a little bit. 

Even Lyanna Mormont wishing her cousin, Jorah Mormont, good luck was sweet and lovely, but we were absolutely losing it over some bigger developments. 

Arya and Gendry finally hooked up! Jaime knighted Brienne! Missandei and Greyworm made plans for the future!

Unfortunately, many of these beautiful little moments came as everyone was just sitting around waiting for their death in the approaching battle against the army of the dead, and it sort of feels like the more beautiful the moment, the more likely the death is coming. 

And then, the thing that had us going "oh s--t" as we realized what was happening: Jon told Dany the truth. Oh boy. 

Let's discuss the bigger moments, shall we?

The Trial of Jaime Lannister

We saw Jaime arrive at Winterfell (and catch Bran's creepy eye) last week, and tonight we saw him face a whole bunch of people he had wronged, including a queen, a lady, and a warden. He wanted to fight for survival after Cersei had lied to him (and to everyone), but Dany and Sansa were ready to send him packing (or to his death). Then Brienne stepped in to reveal everything he'd done for her, and the fact that he was responsible for Sansa still being alive, which Sansa seemed to appreciate. 

She changed her mind, and after Jon said they needed every man they could get, Dany agreed. 

But even more fun than that was Jaime apologizing to Bran! All these years later! 

The last time they saw each other, of course, was that time at the end of the pilot when Jaime pushed Bran out a window after Bran witnessed Jaime and Cersei hooking up. But Bran wasn't mad that Jaime pushed him out a window, because without that accident, he'd still be Bran Stark, and not the creepiest dude in Westeros (also known as the Three Eyed Raven). 

Jaime also had a moment with his brother Tyrion, who assured him that Dany is the true queen, and that Jaime was never fooled by Cersei.

"You always knew exactly what she was, and you loved her anyway." 

Then they lamented the fact that they'll both die at Winterfell, which is not exactly the grand death they had had in mind. 


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