Wednesday 17 April 2019

American Singer; Ashanti Shares Last Text Messages With Nipsey Hussle Before His Death

American singer and song-writer, Ashanti has shared her last texts with late rapper; Nipsey Hussle at an interview with America’s Entertainment Tonight as she continues to be in disbelief of the rapper’s non-existence.
In the long text she shared on her Instagram page, she revealed Nipsey before his death was always there looking out for her. She revealed he was an amazing spirit, someone who has “done so much.”
“I’m still a little bit in disbelief,” Ashanti shared. “Going to the funeral, I think it shocked me a little bit and it became a reality, seeing the casket on the stage. It was like everyone stood back like, “This really happened,” and it just shows you that life is so short and so precious

“He’s such an amazing person and an amazing spirit and he’s done so much,” she continued. “He had so much more that he was doing…Nip was always helpful. It’s funny because I was looking at some of the last texts that we had, and I was recording at his studio and was like, ‘Nip, I don’t think I’m going to make it tonight. I have allergies, I’m sneezing, I got a headache,” she said.
“He was like, ‘Oh I got these herbs that are really good for you! I know where you can get some good stuff!’ And he was sending me links and like, ‘Sis, I got you, you gotta try this.’ And it just made me sad because he was such an amazing spirit. His heart was pure and he was always willing to help and always really positive”

“One of his messages that was so powerful as an artist [was] owning your masters,” Ashanti revealed. Knowing about ownerships, Thinking outside the box. Not holding onto these contracts and signing things that you know nothing about. Trying to make it on your own. Having your own platform, your own voice. Just thinking outside the box and trying to come up with other ways to be an entrepreneur.”

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