Tuesday 5 February 2019

Why The Bachelor's Elyse Left Colton Underwood Heartbroken

One woman on The Bachelor left the show before Colton Underwood could give her another rose.

31-year-old redhead beauty Elyse Dehlbom left the show on her own accord after an emotional and tearful conversation with the 27-year-old.

Elyse foreshadowed her departure early in the show. She spoke to fellow competitor Kirpa and described a "pit in my stomach" that she felt. Elyse said tearfully, "I had the world's most perfect date, and to watch people go on dates and come back and be so excited. For me, I just feel kind of heartbroken."

She continued in a confessional, "I did not anticipate coming to Thailand—probably one of the most romantic places I've ever seen—and not get time with him. I think the reality is hitting home a little bit more after having a one-on-one."

Elyse and Colton's romantic date occurred a few weeks ago where they flew to San Diego and hung out with kids at an amusement park. 

She said over a flashback of video, "Our date was way above and beyond. We had some moments that I felt was one of the best days I've ever had. Something like you read in a romance novel."

After seeing "never been kissed" Heather return from her date (where she got kissed!), Elyse stormed out of their hotel and slammed the door.

That contestant Demi said, "I don't know what's going with Elyse right now. I don't know where her head is at."

She left in her "statement dress" and proceeded to knock on Colton's door, where the two of them had a very deep and frank conversation about their relationship.


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