Saturday 2 February 2019

Instagram couple with millions of followers share their jaw-dropping shots from around the world

There may well be lies, damn lies and statistics, but 4.8 million followers is a number that definitely widens the eyes.

That is the combined following on Instagram of travelling couple Jack Morris (aka @doyoutravel, 2.8million followers), from the UK, and Lauren Bullen (aka gypsea_lust, two million), from Australia.

And why? Because they post some of the most jaw-dropping travel shots you’re ever likely to see. Ever.

And no, they don’t get a pro to snap them.

Every picture of Jack is taken by Lauren and every picture of Lauren is taken by Jack.

If they’re both in the shot it means they put the camera on a tripod and took the image using a timer.

The couple aren't new to MailOnline, but we couldn't resist the opportunity to publish a new batch of their images, with their kind permission. 

MailOnline Travel asked them by email what the secret to their success is.\

They replied: ‘We both had different stories in the very beginning but it came from the same passions - I guess there’s no “secret” as such and everyone will grow differently and to different levels.

‘With that said consistence, originality, and following a passion are three major aspects to growth. You’ve got to enjoy what you’re doing, too. Growing a following is fun and opens a lot of doors but that shouldn’t ever be the main goal.’

And do they ever get jealous of each other’s shots?

Jack said: ‘I wouldn’t say we ever get jealous because we’re always trying our best to help each other. Naturally there’s been a few occasions where we’ve had disagreements on who gets to post a "banger" first, but most of the time we try to mix things up and create two different shots out of the same scenario.’

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