Friday, 4 January 2019

Holly Branson announces the birth of 'miracle' third child

Holly Branson revealed she has given birth to a 'miracle' baby girl. 

The daughter of Richard Branson, 36, took to Instagram on Friday where she shared a sweet picture of the newborn, husband Freddie Andrewes and their twins, Etta and Artie, four, as well as a close-up of the baby.

She wrote: 'Freddie & I are thrilled to announce the birth of our beautiful daughter. Born on December 29th at 7lb 5oz - this time around everything went perfectly!

'Etta and Artie are really excited to have a sibling. We named her Lola Snow Templeman Andrewes. 

'Etta’s middle name is winter, so when she suggested “Snowy” as a name, we thought it was very fitting. 

'Templeman is my mum’s maiden name & she was delighted to hear we had chosen it for Lola. It was absolutely amazing to see in the New Year as a family of five.' 

Holly revealed she was expecting again back in August - and this time she conceived naturally.

She wrote on Instagram at the time: 'Freddie and I started trying for another baby last year, but after the same struggles with conceiving, and a failed attempt at IVF in December, we decided that it probably wasn’t going to happen for us. 

'Then as sometimes happens - even though you never think it will be you - we found out I was pregnant and had conceived naturally.


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