Thursday, 20 September 2018

Fans sent into a tailspin as Jodie Whittaker's debut is teased with spaceships

Doctor Who fans were sent into a frenzy on Thursday afternoon, after the official trailer was finally released.

Taking to Twitter in droves, fans proclaimed there was plenty to love about the minute-long preview, from glimpses of Jodie Whittaker's debut to the three new companions she meets under the unexpected veil of 'aliens in Sheffield.' 

And while fans were quick to praise their first look at the show ahead of its October 7 return, others were quick to slam the choice of music as 'awful,' with Macklemore and Skylar Grey's Glorious being the titular track.

In the trailer, we first see glimpses of a barred planet landscape with some form of spaceship parked in the middle of a desert, as Jodie Whittaker's Doctor can be seen through a sandy mist.

Inevitably these first scenes are not from the premiere episode, as it is usual to see The Doctor change into their outfit by the first episode's end.

The preview then switches to footage from what seems to be moments after her regeneration, as she sports the same attire as her predecessor Peter Capaldi.

She goes onto say: 'I'm the Doctor. When people need help I never refuse.'


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