Thursday 12 July 2018

Trump flies into Brexit storm just minutes before he sets off to the UK

Donald Trump sparked a Brexit storm before he even reached the UK today as he said Theresa May's Chequers deal might not be 'what people voted for'.

The US president took an axe to diplomatic niceties as he delivered a series of extraordinary jibes in a press conference at the NATO summit in Brussels.

Just hours before he is due to arrive in the UK, Mr Trump highlighted Mrs May's political woes, saying Britain was a 'hot spot'.

And he made clear that he did not approve of the softer stance the PM has been advocating despite fury from many Tory MPs.

'Brexit is Brexit, the people voted to break it up so I would imagine that is what they'll do, but they might take a different route, I'm not sure that's what people voted for,' Mr Trump said.

He shrugged off the prospect of protests on the streets, saying there were 'always protests' – and insisted that British people liked him because he was tough on immigration.

For good measure. Mr Trump also managed to congratulate a Croatian journalist on the victory of his national team against England in the World Cup.  

Downing Street has been fearing that US President could publicly urge the PM to abandon her Chequers Brexit plans, which sparked the shock resignations of Boris Johnson and David Davis this week.

The PM is battling for her political career as mutinous Eurosceptic Tories have launch coordinated resignations and are mobilising to kill off her 'third way' proposals.

Mr Trump said the UK was a 'hot spot' with 'lots of resignations'.

'Brexit is – I have been reading about Brexit a lot over the last few days and it seems to be turning a little bit differently where they are getting at least partially involved back with the European Union,' he said.

'I have no message it is not for me to say…'

He added: 'I'd like to see them be able to work it out so it can go quickly - whatever they work out.

'I would say Brexit is Brexit. When you use the term hard Brexit I assume that's what you mean. 

'A lot of people voted to break it up so I would imagine that's what they would do but maybe they are taking a little bit of a different route. I don't know if that's what they voted for.


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