Monday 16 July 2018

The moment Donald Trump WINKED at Putin before announcing talks with the Russian leader had got off to 'a very good start'

Donald Trump has described historic talks with Vladimir Putin today as 'a very good start' as the pair looked to rebuild ties between the US and Russia. 

The US President said he hoped for an 'extraordinary relationship' with Moscow before leaning across to shake hands with the Russian leader as the pair sat side-by-side ahead of their summit at the Finnish Presidential Palace in Helsinki.

In his opening remarks, Trump praised Russia's hosting of the World Cup, but admitted the two countries have not been getting along for the past two years.

A sombre-looking Putin, who struck a casual pose during Trump's remarks and slouched in his chair with his legs wide and eyes low, added: 'The time has come to talk in a substantive way.'

Trump, who was seen shooting a wink at his counterpart, looked determinedly at the Russian President as the pair shook hands while Putin seemed to be clinging to his chair for support. 

After Trump concluded his remarks, American reporters shouted several questions about whether he would bring up election meddling during his discussions with Putin. Trump did not respond while Putin appeared to smirk.

After more than two hours of one-on-one discussions with only translators present, Trump called the meeting 'a good start, a very good start for everybody'.

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