Tuesday 10 July 2018

Meghan commits ANOTHER 'royal faux pas' as she is spotted crossing her legs AGAIN

The 'Duchess slant' has become synonymous with Kate and it seems that Meghan has found her very own style of seating.

The Duchess of Sussex was seen crossing her legs once again on Tuesday as she joined the Duke of Sussex for the RAF centenary.

As she took her pew alongside her husband at Westminster Abbey Meghan, who was dressed in black Dior dress, slipped her right leg over her left ahead of the service.

And while the newly-minted Duchess has previously been chastised for her favoured seating position, with royal watchers describing it as 'disrespectful', experts say that she is simply finding her own style of seating. They predict it could soon well be referred to as 'the Sussex sit'.

MailOnline's etiquette expert, William Hanson says that while historically royal women would avoid crossing their legs, Meghan is not breaking any rules in doing so now.

He said: 'Although used to be the custom that ladies (royal or non royal) would never cross their legs, clearly the Duchess of Sussex is finding her own style and comfortable seating position by crossing her legs. 

'Correctly, however, she is not letting there be too much of a gap between her ankles, which can look very ungainly when done by women or men.' 

Meghan previously faced criticsm when she was spotted crossing her legs at the Young Leaders Reception at Buckingham Palace in June.  

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