Monday 2 July 2018

Everything Is Love; Album Review

World Stop,

Now before I get into this review, let it be known that any jab taken on the Carters shall be taken
personally, and I will find you, but then I’d be as unbiased as I can be, that being said. Let’s get

It may come off as an out of the ordinary thing to say about an album/ record that’s supposed to be
guaranteed a sure fire, but there’s sagacity that “Everything is love” represents a sort of potentially
dangerous task , mostly because Beyonce was all about that rap life, rather than her normal “let me
throw you some vocals”.

It’s quite obvious that it’s meant to be some sort of Trilogy to Lemonade;
an album where she basically screamed at us with “I’m mad as hell, my husband cheated on me and
I’ve been in emotional ruins”, and 4:44, his album of “I know I’ve done you wrong and I’m sorry”,
both albums were like a release of pent up anger and guilt, and “Everything is love” is some sort of
therapy session for them both, and I must admit, It looked like it worked, or at least we ate right into
the hot plate they’re serving us.

Track 1 ; Summer – The Vocals on this was smooth as usual, when I heard when Jay was about to
come in I was like HOLLUPP Bey isn’t done, and then Jay comes with the “I don’t have no concept of
time, even with a rose gold concept on me” Rose gold is a watch, you peasants. We had a good Jay
verse, but yeah this was a BEYONCE ft Jay Song, it was a beautiful song.

Track 2; Ape Shit – First of all “Give me my check, put some respect on my check, or pay me in
equity, watch me reverse out of debt” “I took the super bowl no, You need me i don’t need you, tell
the NFL we in the end zone every night we do stadiums too” This is someone talking money to us.
That is all, Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.

Track 3; BOSS – Again, Money talking to us. “Rather work with the man rather than work with me”
There were so many shots thrown in this album, but won’t lie. I’m here for it. “My Great Great
Grand children already rich, a lot of brown kids on your Forbes list” This is facts and a lil depressing.
This track bangs, and let’s just leave it at that.

Track 4; NICE – The Chorus on this is nothing special, and it STILL gave us some spice (At this point i
was starting to miss the Beyonce Vocals)

Track 5; 713 – Normally i feel like Jay raps about the same subject, but the intro in this felt a lil
different, and then we have Beyonce giving us her rapper vibes again. MAYBE this was my least
favourite out of the album, IT WAS NICE, just not my favourite.

Track 6; FRIENDS- I can see this being played on the Snaps and everyone looking at their crew with
the utmost hype. “ My Friends are goals your friends are foes”

Track 7; HEARD ABOUT US – At this point, i feel like they’re rubbing it in our faces that “WE ARE THE
CARTERS” This was such an easy grove.

Track 8; BLACK EFFECT – Lets leave this at “BLACK LIVES MATTER”

Track 9; LOVEHAPPY – We have arrived at the Therapy song , ladies and gentlemen. I want to
believe we all noticed this “Yeah, you fucked up the first stone, we had to get remarried” “ Lucky I ain’t kill you when i met that bit-“. We got our Queen with the vocals back on this track, well just a

There really wasn’t anything on this track that felt less than satisfactory, am i wrong ?

If you haven’t listened to it, go ahead and listen to the magic that is the Carters;

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