Thursday 14 June 2018

World Cup 2018! Cocaine, Marijuana & Heroin Are Allowed In Russia (Details)

Fans travelling to Russia for the World Cup will be allowed to carry cocaine, cannabis, heroin and even codeine.
However, you would need a legitimate doctors note. Spectators will need to provide authentic medical paperwork from a verified-nurse or doctor.
Russia's World Cup organizing committee released a statement to The Moscow Times saying security will be tasked with verifying the authenticity of drug prescriptions (Bobcat Times)
The Eurasian Economic Union, which involves countries such as Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, allows for certain narcotics to be brought into the country with supporting medical documents written in English or Russian language, The Moscow Times reports
Russia's World Cup organizing committee released a statement to The Moscow Times saying security will be tasked with verifying the authenticity of drug prescriptions.

"Security officers will monitor the enforcement of rules for carrying prescription drugs to stadium grounds at checkpoints. The full list of substances allowed into Russia as it hosts the World Cup events between June 14 to July 15 will allow for cocaine, codeine, morphine, amphetamines and cannabis," the organizing committee said.
FIFA rules also allow fans to bring the narcotics into the stadium if they have a prescription for the drug and are in their original packaging.
A special law enforcement agency is to be put together by World Cup committee to verify supporter's paperwork and ensure that it is all legitimate.

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