Many people are suffering from physical, mental or emotional stress and they are ready to give up. Their only hope for help was in the world and it has let them down. And that’s because the world cannot help when it is the reason for the problems. But as Christians, our hope should be in God alone, not in the world, because no matter what we are going through, our faith is in the One who can set us free. Our faith is in God because we know that Jesus saves!
Whatever our sorrow is, and whatever is keeping us in bondage needs to be given to Jesus. He defeated the devil at the cross. He defeated sin, sickness, and death. But many Christians don’t really understand that salvation was the beginning of our new life and that it’s a daily walk with the Lord that will bring us through everything. We need to realize that every day Jesus fights our battles for us when we give them to Him, and with each victory, we are brought closer to Him in His kingdom.
If it were possible, we’d hear chains dropping and Heaven shouting every day as people are freed from their bondage, and made whole again. When people meet God for the first time, the angels shout out their praises because another soul has been redeemed from the devil’s clutches and brought into God’s family. Others are healed from diverse diseases or injuries, and God’s heart beats with joy because they have chosen to trust Him.
- The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.—2 Peter 3:9
Being a Christian takes us out of this world’s reality and puts us into God’s world. We still live in this world, but we don’t belong to it anymore. We belong to God, and our hope is in Him. The world tries to engulf us with its deception, but it can’t save us from anything. Only Jesus can save us.

We don’t put our faith in people, or in churches or in doctrines. We put our faith in the Great I AM, in the One who inspired the Scriptures, in the One who made us, in the One who loves, in the One who has prepared a home in Heaven for us. God supplies all of our needs—all we have to do is trust Him.
Travis Cottrell and David Moffitt wrote a song called, Jesus Saves. It’s a powerful song with words that give us hope and that speak of what Jesus has already done for us, of what He is still doing, and of what He will do.
- Freedom’s calling, chains are falling,
Hope is dawning bright and true.
Day is breaking, night is quaking,
God is making all things new.
This music video of the song, JESUS SAVES will bless you!
Nothing is too great for God because with Him, all things are possible. And nothing is too trivial in our lives for Him to help us with. He tells us in 1 Peter 5:7 that we are to cast all of our cares upon Him. Not some, not just the ones we can’t deal with—but all of them.
Our walk with God is truly a daily walk. It began when Jesus saved us from our sins, and it continues each day as Jesus never ceases to save us from the corruption of this world.
- I cried unto the Lord with my voice, and He heard me out of His Holy hill. Selah.—Psalm 3:4
*If this message has blessed you, then please share it so that others can also be blessed. God wants us to know that Jesus loves us and has saved us from our sins and that He will always be as close as the mention of His name.
Ronnie Dauber
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