Saturday 9 June 2018

Five Warning Signs That Shows Your Relationship Is A Toxic One

There is no one that will intentionally go into a bad relationship and all relationships enter a rough patch from time to time. However, there is a difference between coping with some temporary problems and being stuck in a relationship that’s turned toxic. Some people however stay even after the warning signs arise.
The fact is people stay in toxic relationships for many reasons. Some people get comfortable with the way things turn and just continue on the same path because change is hard. Such people engage in denial and continue on the path because it’s easier.
That denial can make it pretty difficult to figure out that you ought to leave. While you may suspect that something is wrong, you might not be sure if you’ve ended up in a toxic relationship that’s beyond saving. Not sure if your relationship is toxic or not, here are some questions you should be asking.

Are They Selfish In Bed?

Although sex is only one part of your relationship, it’s actually a very important one. A partner who treats you poorly in the bedroom will most likely be unkind in other areas as well. Guilt-tripping a partner into having sex when they don’t want to or ignoring a partner’s need for pleasure might be signs that you should end things.

Is Either Of You Overwhelmed With Jealousy?
This can show up as constantly having to account for your whereabouts and the person you are with. Everything you do must not just include them, but revolve around them.
It could be that you find it easy to lie and when your lies are uncovered, everything blows, or you choose to stop having a life, friends, and interests of your own because the price is too high. Whatever the case may be, it’s hardly a sign of a healthy relationship.
Do You Often Fight And Scream?
No couple ever agreed on everything. You should however not be on an emotional roller coaster. If your conflicts are incredibly intense and lead to drastic words or actions, then there is cause for concern.
Being fine one day and then in crisis the next day, is also a sign that your relationship is toxic. And of course, any physical violence is a clear signal to get out now.
Do You Keep Scores Of Quarrels?
Relationships shouldn’t feel like a game where each person is keeping track of how many times they’ve done something good or even something bad. While we all do this at times, a relationship that is consumed by keeping score is toxic.
Whether you and your partner constantly highlight one another’s faults or you find yourself telling them all the good things you’ve done, that’s a sign you’ve turned against each other.
Are You Scared Of Telling Your Partner Things?
If you’re hesitant to tell your partner about what’s really weighing on your mind, which might include things they’re doing (or not doing) in the relationship, you may have a toxic situation in your hands.
It’s not always easy to confront someone you care so much about, but when you opt for keeping it comfortable instead of keeping it real, the relationship may be at its end.
Is Your Partner Selfish?
You might not have realized it from the onset, but someone with narcissistic tendencies will show themselves as time goes by. When you’re with a narcissist, there will only be one person who matters, and that is them!
A narcissist will try to manipulate or guilt you into meeting their needs while ignoring yours. They mostly talk about themselves and have little care about what’s going on with you.

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