Tuesday 19 June 2018

Controlling boyfriend, 20, who banned his schoolgirl girlfriend from washing her hair or teeth

A schoolgirl was prevented from washing her hair and brushing her teeth by a possessive older boyfriend who wouldn't let her have a bath unless he was sat on the toilet seat watching her.

When Tobias Coggin’s victim tried to challenge his behaviour or end the relationship, he repeatedly threatened to kill himself to keep her under control as he 'invaded' every part of her life.

The girl’s mother, who did not know the extent of the abuse until her daughter finally found the courage to leave him, blames Coggin for her failing her GCSE exams, Hull Crown Court heard.

When the then-16 victim said she wanted to go to college, Coggin was so desperate to monitor what she was doing he threatened to enrol himself - even attending an open day. She also put on weight because of the fast food he insisted on.

A judge called his behaviour 'abhorrent' and warned the 20-year-old if he ever did it again he would be going straight to prison.

But Judge David Tremberg said he was able to suspend the sentence because Coggin, who was aged between 17 and 18 at the time, was of 'positive good character' and pleaded guilty.

Charlotte Baines, prosecuting, said when the pair first met Coggin would pick her up in his car and take her to McDonald's. 

They began a relationship weeks later, and 'at first things were okay', but then she began to notice 'changes'.

He was 'difficult' about her talking to male friends, and eventually she had to block them on social media. She also lost contact with female friends and became 'isolated'.

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