Sunday 7 May 2017

May God Give All The Female Bloggers That Mock Me a Man Like Lanre

Embattled Nollywood actress Mercy Aigbe  claps back at blogger who questioned how she raised her kids. She cursed the unknown blogger who alleged that her husband only resulted to  physical abuse because he couldn’t tolerate her promiscuity.

Despite Mercy Aigbe and her husband always portraying everything was fine with their marriage, an ex-staff of Mercy Aigbe's boutique, Mag Divas has spoken to Sunday Scoops saying, they mostly live as cat and dog.

According to the source, “Their marriage has always been a ‘strange’ one. On some days, they could come in laughing together and act all lovey-dovey and on some other days, they’d enter the shop arguing and cursing each other at the top of their voices.

“There  have been several times that aunty Mercy and her husband came into the shop arguing at the top of their voices. 

There was a particular day that the argument was so heated that we thought the situation was going to degenerate badly. They continued shouting even as they went into Mercy’s office. However, they emerged some time later full of smiles and kissing each other. 

We, the staff, were really surprised and the incident strengthened our resolve not to interfere in their squabbles as they could be unpredictable,” the former staff of Mag Divas said.

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