Monday 23 January 2017

Mum 'shamed' in Sainsbury's for taking a sample cup of squash for her young daughter

Supermarket shopping when you're footloose and fancy-free can be stressful enough.

Factor in having to take small children, and it suddenly becomes an operation which needs to be approached with military precision.

Shopping with kids can be demanding, and no one needs to have their trip made more difficult - or be made to feel humiliated.

This, however, was one mum's experience while shopping with her three-year-old son at her local Sainsbury's.

Expressing her embarrassment and upset on Mumsnet , Massala Queen described the incident, saying, "At the entrance there was an unmanned taster stall with some crisps in tiny bowls and some Robinsons squash in cups.

"My son asked if he could have some juice and I helped myself to a cup."

It was at this point the staff member manning the stall came back - and didn't hold back.

"[She] said, 'you don't just help yourself to the samples.' I was embarrassed and apologised. She then continued to reprimand me saying 'this isn't a café, you know,' and tutting.

"Was her reaction over the top? Surely the point of the sample stalls are to promote the products rather than tell customers off for sampling. Am I being unreasonable if I report her to customer service?"

Although much of the reaction was critical of the stall holder's rudeness, one mum did in fact think she was being unreasonable.

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