Thursday 15 December 2016

Lord Sugar set to pick a winner between four women and one man - and three of them are working mums

Working mothers make up three of the five semi-finalists on The Apprentice, which reaches the gruelling interview stage on Thursday night.

Such has been the march of the female contestants this year that there is just one man left in the running for Alan Sugar’s £250,000 investment.

Although the interviews often prove the most intense task, the three mothers, Grainne McCoy, Frances Bishop and Jessica Cunningham, the most challenging aspect of the competition is likely to have been the separation from their children.

The strict rules state that contestants must hand over their phones at the beginning of the process, and they are then given little contact with their families.

These restrictions are likely to be have been particularly demanding for Miss Cunningham, 29, who has single-handedly raised her three young daughters.

Mrs Bishop, who is married to Notts County footballer Neil Bishop has been separated from her son, Oscar, and Miss McCoy, who had her son, Ryan, while still at school, has hardly seen him.

They are joined in the final by 24-year-old Alana King, who owns her own cake company, and the last man standing, novelty gift company owner Courtney King.

The impact of contestants being separated from their families was illustrated by former contestant Aleksandra King, who quit in week four due to what she described as ‘brutal’ working conditions.

She blasted Lord Sugar’s BBC show, saying: ‘‘I have found the process overwhelming, stressful and really intense. And I just want to go home to my kids and my husband now.

‘The amount of contact was not acceptable. There was no way I was going to work like that, not being able to pick up the phone and see if my kids are OK. I thought, “What is the point?”

‘The work, life balance was off. Since when is that an admirable business skill? It is not on any level.

- MailOnline 

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