Sunday, 30 October 2016

What It Really Takes to Burn Off the Calories of These Celeb-Loved Halloween Candies

You did it! You planned out that ultra-festive Halloween costume, you killed it at the gym this week and now it's time to party like you mean it.

By all means, let loose, but before you dig into that cauldron of Halloween goodies, here's something to keep in mind. Did you know that it can take up to two hours at the gym to burn off an innocent bag of Starburst? According to Madonna's trainer, Nicole Winhoffer, brainchild of the NW Method, fitness can be just as satisfying as those sweets.

Treat yourself, but life's a balance, right? If you need help reeling it in ahead of your weekend festivities or if you want to plan ahead and torch calories before you indulge, we picked six celeb-favorite candies and asked Nicole to tell us what exactly we'd need to do to offset confections with a healthy fitness routine.

The Celeb: Kourtney Kardashian likes Kit Kats (because they are delicious), but what's more interesting is how she eats them.
The Candy in Question: Kit Kat (about 218 calories per bar)
The Fix: "Do 100 reps of each of these moves three times through: turned-out mountain climbers (knee rotates out), hydrant side lifts (100 each leg), squat jumping jacks, side-plank pulses (100 each side) and high knees (100 each side)," recommended the expert. 

The Celeb: A nutty chocolate bar seems like a substantial snack (more so than other sugary candy, anyway), so makes sense that Rihanna would prefer these to fuel up on. 
The Candy in Question: Snickers (215 calories per bar)
The Fix: "Jump rope to your favorite playlist and incorporate toning movements—1 minute jump rope and 1 minute toning," said Nicole.


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