Saturday 22 October 2016

Murder probe launched after British man is found tied to a bench at Malaga airport with his trousers and underpants pulled down - MailOnline

Murder squad detectives are probing the mysterious death of a British man at Malaga Airport. 

Steven Allford, 51, was discovered bound to a bench in an outdoor area by an airport train stop with his trousers and pants pulled down.

Police are waiting on the results of a post-mortem but suspect he may have been choked to death and possibly sexually assaulted.

A security guard made the grim discovery just before 9am yesterday.

Shocked tourists filmed the moment Mr Allford's body was put onto a stretcher and taken away after police searched the area for clues to the suspected killing.

Officers are examining CCTV and a source said: 'There were no obvious signs of violence on his body but the position he was found in suggested foul play.' 

Another source said investigators believed he may have been the victim of a sex assault. 

He had a hand bound to one end of the bench and his leg to another with cable ties and his trousers had been pulled down. 

He was identified by documents found among belongings in a trolley next to his body. 

It is not known where in the UK the dead man was originally from and police are today seeking to establish what he was doing at the airport and whether he had missed a flight home or was sleeping rough.

Malaga Airport is Spain's fourth biggest airport and serves 14 million passengers a year. 

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