Sunday 26 June 2016

Pregnant Woman Undergoing Surgery Dies With Her Baby After Theatre Roof Suddenly Collapsed During Surgery

The roof of the main surgical ward at the Effia Nkwanta Hospital in Ghana, shockingly caved in during surgery yesterday. The surgical procedure which was being carried out on three pregnant women - had to be halted when the unfortunate incident occurred.

Doctors had to transfer the patients to another hospital for the procedure to continue. Unfortunately, one of them died and now, people are attributing her death to the roof incident. But the Medical Director of Effia Nkwanta Hospital, Dr Kwau Ntodi denied this. He said said the victim could have still died even if the incident had not occurred because she had a ruptured uterus.

He also clarified that her death was not at as a result of transporting the patients from one hospital to another. The medical officer who attended to the lady upon arrival at the second hospital (Mintim hospital) - Dr Ernest Anderson, said that the baby in the womb had already died before they arrived at the hospital.

Fortunately, the two remaining pregnant patients who were also undergoing surgery, are in good condition - as they were operated upon successfully at the second hospital and are now recovering.


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