Wednesday 22 June 2016

PLAIN SAILING Anti-EU campaigner reveals how easy it is for migrants to cross the Channel as he ‘smuggles asylum seekers’ into #UK - TheSun

AN anti-EU campaigner claims he has exposed the UK’s open borders on the eve of the referendum after filming himself crossing the Channel with three “asylum seekers” and bringing them ashore in Kent unchallenged.

The unnamed sailor joked he could be running a tour business as it was so easy to get people from France to the UK.

Video of the stunt was posted on the Facebook page pf the Leave.EU campaign, where it has been seen by more than 90,000 people.
The footage begins in a harbour apparently on the coast of France, where three men posing as illegal immigrants climb aboard the motor dinghy.
They are next seen below the white cliffs in Kent before mooring safely in Folkestone.

The man says: “So behind me is the UK, to get here is a two and a half hour trip in moderate weather, no great shakes, an easy feat by anyone’s standards.”

He adds they were not challenged despite crossing the world’s busiest shipping lane twice.
He says: “Nobody has sought to stop us or do anything about it, that is how easy it is to bypass immigration to the UK.”

The video shows the group of people in the boat as they cross across the Channel.
As they disembark in Folkestone, the man boasts: “Nobody is going to stop me, nobody is going to think that this is unusual and it is broad daylight. I can do this whenever I like.”

Leave.EU claimed the easy passage was the result of budget cuts to the Coast Guard and Border Force.

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