Tuesday 28 June 2016

Heartwarming moment plane passengers 'of every background' worked together for an hour in bid to #save dying man

This is the heartwarming moment plane passengers worked together for more than an hour in a desperate bid to save the life of a dying elderly man.

The fliers, "from all over the the world and of every ethnicity", rushed to the man's aid after his heart stopped beating onboard a Delta Air Lines flight.

With the assistance of crew members, they took turns to give him chest compressions, helped to start an IV and carried out mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

They also started praying altogether - and were soon joined by ex-National Football League (NFL) quarterback, Tim Tebow, who had been sat in the first-class cabin.

The remarkable scene was captured on camera by passenger Richard Gotti, who said "no one gave up" in their mid-air efforts to save the man's life.

Posting an image of the sight on Facebook, the dad described how Flight 1772 was travelling from Atlanta, Georgia, in the US, to Phoenix, Arizona, when the flier fell ill.

He wrote: "An older gentleman began having what appeared to be heart problems, and he went unconscious.

"I watched strangers from all over the world and every ethnicity come to the help of this man for over an hour!

"Whether it was chest compressions, starting an IV, helping breathe life into this man, or praying everyone helped!

"I listened to shock after shock from the AED machine and still no pulse.

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