Saturday, 27 February 2016

Mother brutally murdered her newborn baby after realising he looked like her secret #lover } Mirror

WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT Elena Smocot has been jailed for 18 years after killing the defenceless child, stamping on his head

A mother brutally murdered her newborn baby after realising he looked similar to her secret lover.

Mum Elena Smocot, 27, has been jailed for 18 years for callously killing the defenceless child after realising how different he looked to her other children.

She was at home with her four-year-old son, seven-year-old nephew, and her newborn son when she realised the differences between them.

She told police that as soon as she noticed the similarity with her lover, she had grabbed the child by the legs and swung him around, bashing his head against the furniture several times until the child stopped screaming.

She then went outside, put it on the floor and stamped on his body repeatedly.

Her two other children in her care, who heard her shouting, went outside and then quickly ran away to raise the alarm with neighbours.

In the meantime, the mother grabbed a broken tile and attacked the baby with it.
Jailed: Elena Smocot with her husband

She then pulled out his intestines, put them in the bath tub and then switched on the shower where she stood inside the same bath to wash herself.

The horrific murder that took place at the woman's home in the town of Barlad in Romania’s Vaslui County has shocked the country.

During the court case, judges heard evidence that the woman might have been suffering from depression because in both 2010 and 2012 she had suffered from postnatal depression.

She said that nobody had known she had a lover, and in interviews with detectives she gave chilling details of the killing.
Murdered: The baby was found in this box

Prosecutor Alice Ruja said: "She described the way in which she took the baby’s intestines out.

"She says she had to repeatedly chop at the corpse as well because it was not as easy as slicing chicken meat.”

As well as being sentenced to jail, the judge also took away her parental rights for her other two children.

Sentencing her, the court ruled she was in full control of her actions and knew what she was doing when she murdered the child.

The ruling - which saw her sentenced to 18 years – is not final and can be appealed.

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