Saturday, 2 January 2016

Preston dog attack: First picture of man killed 'by his girlfriend's pitbull terrier' } Mirror

The 22-year-old victim, who has been named as Liam Hewitson, suffered serious injuries after the incident on New Year's Day

This is the first picture of a man who died after being bitten by his girlfriend's dog.

The 22-year-old victim, who has been named as Liam Hewitson, suffered serious injuries after the incident in Preston, Lancs., earlier today.
He was treated by paramedics at a terraced house in Dundonald Street at around 3.45pm but subsequently died from his injuries.
His girlfriend Jessica Hill told Mail Online she was 'devastated by her loss', with the site reporting he was attacked by her pitbull terrier Tiger.

The dog has since been taken from the address and put down by a vet.

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