Saturday, 2 January 2016

Happy New Year

Happy New Year. So, here we are in the year 2016. Glory be to God. It is a year that many people have waited for, or even longed for, as if much of the disappointment of the former years would be instantly wiped clean from their memory. It is almost like that at the beginning of each year, which comes in both with the strangeness of an alien, or with “the glory and freshness of a dream”.

newyearIn the next several weeks, we would still be writing the old year on our cheques and other datelines with persistent absent-mindedness, while looking forward to a happy new year. The thrills of success or angst of the setbacks of the past year somehow cling to our sub-conscious and intrude into our actions, unwittingly.

A merited promotion at work, a happy business deal, a successful wedding or a welcome addition to the family naturally swings our thinking back along pleasant memory tracks, while a rough passage in the office, health issues or marital upheavals would push regretful blocks into the way of an otherwise calm period of the day.

To add to these normal anxieties of an active day would be the predictions already compounded by “experts” in business and about one’s normal existence, and who insist on letting you know what the future holds in store for you. Those who would tell you about your business fortunes at least claim to have the support of empirical evidence—and sometime really do. They have studied the trend of the market over a period and are able to forecast the progression that could be reasonably expected. They are in the same street with weather forecasters among whom, by way, I began my working life.

The weatherman has physical support of calculations from observations gathered with precise instruments However, the seers—who include the fortune-tellers, the soothsayers, the clairvoyants, the oracles, the psychics and others – are hardly more than one shade ahead of our local babalawo, and you would be surprised how right he could sometimes turn out to be. The fact that most of our natural rulers are still selected on their say-so clearly shows how reliable we still hold them to be.

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