Thursday 31 December 2015

The New Year's Resolutions you really should be making } Mirror

Happiness expert and behavioural scientist Professor Paul Dolan tells you the resolutions that really will make you happy in 2016

It’s December 31, which means one thing – it’s time for those dreaded New Year’s resolutions. Every year millions of us will make those same old promises, but most will end in failure before January is out.

So when we wish each other a Happy New Year, why don’t we come up with vows that actually help us achieve just that?

As a professor of behavioural science at the London School of Economics, I’m now one of the UK’s foremost “happiness experts”.

And here I take you through the 11 New Year’s resolutions you should be making to make sure you really do have a happy 2016. And not only are they sure to have instant results, they’re so easy, we’ll all be able to stick to them.

Promise to accept who you are
If you joined the gym the last five Januarys and by the middle of the month you’d
quit that’s probably likely to happen again. Don’t beat yourself up about it. Acceptance of who you are is a resolution which is bound to make you more content.

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