Wednesday 23 December 2015

Steve Harvey: Did He Blow Off Rehearsals Before Miss Universe Mix Up?

It’s no secret that Steve Harvey made the most embarrassing mistake of his career when he announced the wrong person as the winner at this year’s Miss Universe competition on Dec. 20. But why did it happen? Did he blow off rehearsals before the big show? Find out here!
After host Steve Harvey announced the wrong winner at this year’s Miss Universe competition on Dec. 20, people started speculating and wondering why the mistake even happened. Did his alleged drinking and gambling before the show affect his mindset, or did he blow off rehearsals? Find out all the details here.

Surprisingly, it was just an honest mistake. “Steve rehearsed the entire show and attended every one of his rehearsals from start to finish,” a source told E! News. Plus, there weren’t any mishaps with the teleprompter, as there wasn’t anything on it for the host to read. “The names of the final three contestants are printed only on the card as putting them on the teleprompter would allow everyone onstage to see the names in advance,” the source added.

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